Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I cut Tris' Hair

I cut Tris' about a month ago, and haven't gotten around to blogging about it. I have tons of photos of her with her hair short, and I love them! Her hair is choppy on purpose and it's great!

Thank you for reading!

Our Generation Doll Renovation!

I got a doll yesterday from the thrift store! She came in bad condition, but she's all fantastic now!


Halfway done with the hair treatment


FACE & LIMBS I used this technique to get the orange spot off her face and 2/5 paint spots on her legs.

HAIR First I brushed her hair. Then rinsed it with warm water. Then I washed it lightly using this fantastic Rose soap to wash her hair. I patted and gently dried it with a cloth. Then, because it still had a bit of thrift store smell, I sprayed her hair with vinegar.

CLOTH BODY I only sprayed it with vinegar, and wiped with a damp cloth.

Her name is... Briana!